AI teams and Missions
In many respects, AI is a bit of a dirty word inside the inner circles of FML. Some managers hate playing matches against the oppositions AI team others seem to do better than against their human counterparts. With our final day of blogs (tomorrow) we’ll announce a new feature that will directly address some of the offline play components that are the cause of such frustration.
It might therefore be seen as a little odd that we’re now looking to go an extra step and introduce AI (or bot) teams to the game and have a full on PvE / NPC enviroment. We believe these teams have a place in all your hearts and we’ll try to explain how.
As it stands today any new manager joining a gameworld is from the moment they confirm their squad open to play against fellow human managers. This can often not be a problem at all (especially to managers well prepared both in their squad selection and tactical makeup). However, for many virgin managers they are seen as fresh meat by others in the gameworld who almost fight it out amongst themselves to take them on and get ‘first blood’.
Our first goal with this new system is to provide managers opponents to practice against before playing against real teams. This we hope will eliminate ‘newbie shame’ i.e. the worry amongst new users that their team is going to get battered and that the other users are going to ridicule them.
We also see this as a great opportunity for try out new formations and players before using them for real against other teams.
These AI teams will provide a consistent benchmark against which to test your team. We all know how difficult it can be sometimes to gauge exactly how much you are improving at the game as your opponents are developing at the same time. Therefore if you play a team, then 2 weeks later play them again and fare worse then it may be that you are getting better at the game but the other side is getting better too, only at a faster rate.
By having AI teams who have a character but never change in quality it is far easier to evaluate whether you are getting better at the game. The same AI teams will be present across all worlds.
To try and blend the AI teams into the game we’ve devised a missions based approach. Missions will eventually provide a great way of bringing users together towards a common goal (we’re not sure if they’ll be ready for the Autumn or Winter releases right now but they are at an advanced stage and our beta team will give us feedback shortly)
Our vision is to create goals that are beyond what the manager and their team currently have, but should be achievable in the short-term. So for a new user during their initial login period we would use this as a handholding exercise to gently introduce them into the game. E.g. play a 1 star AI team, play a 2 star AI team and only open them up to human players once they’ve completed these first missions.
Longer term for the more established managers we could develop missions to allow users to ‘gang up’ to take on a quest. A simple example would be 5 teams grouping together and taking on 5 AI teams, if they win 4 out of the 5 matches then they complete the mission.
In this way there is a way in the game for every user to win (with the AI teams losing) and a sense of interest in the other users’ matches - if the group have won 3 of their first 4 matches for example, then all the other users will be watching the final game, spurring that user on.
How many of you long term managers are looking for more things to do? Allow me to introduce our non monetary tokens system…which I must stress early on that we’ll ensure that things you can buy with them should not affect the actual game in any way.
Tokens will not be transferable for skills, cash, players, stadiums but they will be used to purchase some really cosmetic and light elements. Already in the background of our 1.3 beta code we’ve got a system for earning tokens and this is just to give us an idea as to how many people will accumulate which in turn will help us set the prices. We always want to make sure that there are those items which you can get quickly and others which involve lots of saving.
Here is a snippet of some of our plans – we’d love to hear some of your ideas so we’ll be keeping an eye out on the forums.
How you can earn tokens
• Playing matches – Every time your side steps out onto the field of play you get rewarded.
• Unofficial prize money for comps – Bye bye real money and hello to tokens for entering and winning unofficial competitions
• Missions - Earn tokens for completing missions
• Birthday - It’s your birthday … collect tokens!
• Achievements – The more you unlock and the harder they are to obtain the more tokens you can earn.
How you can spend tokens
• Custom smilies - for the lobby
• Kit designs - Unlock a new range of kits
• Pitch Designs – Change the design of your pitch. Diamonds, crop circles or maybe even embossing your team badge onto your pitch.
• Fee to send comp mailing list - Pay tokens to send mailing list messages